Thursday 13 March 2014

Random Rant

I'm beginning to feel this blog is going dry. I feel like I'm running out of things to say, things to type. Is this what writer's block feels like? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I have some other things that are taking up much of my writing time. And I don't know if I can or will be blogging that often. How much can a blog actually be worth? I mean, how many people out there are even reading any of the posts I'm writing? I won't stop blogging, its something that keeps me going.
As for my writing, I am working on some things. Some of those things just mean more to me than others. And hopefully, I will be able to present those things to you soon. Soon, meaning by next year.
Yes, this is very much like a stupid Facebook update most people do. So here is something that you might find interesting. It's about writing. I found it extremely interesting and inspiring. 
May the Darkness guide you to Your Light!

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