Monday, 24 November 2014

We need more Diverse Books

Well, I'm not the kind of person really motivates you to go do something great, except maybe call the Cthulhu (not sure if that is the best of ideas). But I did read something that I found really interesting. Trust me, it deals with the many discriminations that we do subconsciously just because our parents didn't let us walk around naked when we were kids. Too random but it is the fundamentals that matter the most.
Chuck Wendig, well known Penmonkey (whose blog I almost regularly follow) wrote this extremely long but worth the time spent read. I don't know how ethical it is to share another man's work on my blog, but then again we have Bollywood. So shamelessly, I share here with you something that I believe you must read.

If you are lazy (like most of us are), then here is what he shared at the end of his post: "The We Need Diverse Books Indigogo Campaign"

I won't tell you to do anything. I'm sure your sick of your parents, teachers, politicians, and PS4s telling you what to do.

May the Darkness guide you to Your Light!

Sunday, 9 November 2014


What is the point of all this? It all sums down to bare essentials, and what is more essential than money? Well, social acceptance. It can kill a mother and orphan a child, all the while accepting sexual abuse and religious fanaticism. This is the fucked up society we live in.
I'm just sitting here ranting on but what more can I do? I'm no superman, neither do I have any strong connections. My greatest weapons are my words, that is if they are read. I can simply propagate ideas. And when I am at my lowest, even they might not work.
Seeing this fucked up society, I feel ashamed of being a human.
It makes me feel... Suicidal.